Rome's Sicilian Slave Wars: The Revolts of Eunus and Salvius, 136-132 and 105-100 BC
Rome's Sicilian Slave Wars: The Revolts of Eunu...
Author: Natale Barca (Author)
In 136 BC, in Sicily (which was then a Roman province), some four hundred slaves of Syrian origin rebelled against their masters and seized the city of Henna with much bloodshed. Their leader, a fortune-teller named Eunus, was declared king (taking t...


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Rome's Sicilian Slave Wars: The Revolts of Eunu...

In 136 BC, in Sicily (which was then a Roman province), some four hundred slaves of Syrian origin rebelled against their masters and seized the city of Henna with much bloodshed. Their leader, a fortune-teller named Eunus, was declared king (taking t...

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